Sunday, June 16, 2013

One Dad, A Few Doggies, Many Lessons Learned

    Sitting there holding your doggie tightly with one arm, I can see you loved him very much. I imagine you two played and did most things a little country boy and a doggie could do together. You probably threw a stick and he ran and got it and he might have brought it back and he might not. I can picture you setting out his food and filling up his water bowl from the garden hose. Eventually I realize you two had to part. I know how heart-breaking that was...

    You grew up, got married, and then God chose you to become my daddy. You let me choose my first doggie when I was two years old. I experienced many great years and joy with that precious companion. She grew older, so did I and so did you. Throughout my life I had the opportunity to love more doggies and you were nice enough to help me take care of one of them when I was in a difficult situation. I appreciate your helpfulness during this time. There are many lessons I have learned over the years by having a dog, such as: giving is better than receiving, choices are a part of life, love and responsibility go hand-in-hand, and parting is a given.
Happy Father's Day Dad. Miss you.